Stressed man painted in a mural.
Women picking thrones off a cactus leaf.

Dermatillomania Treatment Online

Close up image of skin.
Close up of small sunflowers on a skin colored background.

Dermatillomania (i.e., Excoriation Disorder)

Dermatillomania (aka skin-picking or excoriation disorder) is a body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB) that involves recurrent and persistent picking of one's skin resulting in skin damage. BFRBs are a group of disorders that involve self-grooming behaviors that can become chronic and interfere with daily functioning. Habit reversal training (HRT) is a commonly used cognitive-behavioral therapy technique to treat BFRBs, including skin-picking. HRT involves identifying triggers that lead to the behavior and implementing competing responses that are incompatible with the behavior. For skin-picking disorder, HRT may involve substituting skin-picking with activities that require the use of the hands, such as knitting or playing with a stress ball.

If you are struggling with skin-picking, here is a sample treatment plan summary:

  • Self-awareness and motivation: The first step towards treating skin-picking is to become aware of the habit and to develop the motivation to stop. This can be achieved by keeping a log of when and where you pick your skin and the consequences it has on your life.

  • Replace the habit: Find alternative ways to cope with stress or boredom that do not involve skin-picking. This could include activities such as playing with a stress ball, holding an object, or squeezing a rubber band.

  • Positive reinforcement: Reward yourself for progress made in stopping the habit. This could include treating yourself to a favorite meal or buying a small gift for yourself.

  • Identify triggers: Identify the situations or emotions that trigger the urge to pick your skin and plan strategies to avoid or cope with them.

  • Physical barriers: Cover the affected area with a bandage or wear gloves to make it difficult to pick.

  • Relaxation techniques: Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation to reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Seek professional help: If the habit persists or is causing significant distress or damage to the skin, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or healthcare provider.

Stopping skin-picking can take time and effort, but it is achievable with commitment and perseverance. Here is a tool that may help:

  • SkinPick App (iOS App Store; Google Play): A free tool to help monitor skin picking. It will ask you to log when you pick or have the urge to pick, indicate the setting where that occurred, and it will allow you to track progress over time. The premium version provides some additional features for a small one-time fee.

Getting Help and Finding a Therapist

If you or someone you know is struggling with skin-picking, finding a therapist who specializes in BFRBs can be a great first step toward recovery. I serve Las Vegas, NV, and Nevada statewide as well as Portland, OR, and all of Oregon statewide (in addition to 33+ PsyPACT states).

You may call me at (702) 530-6134, schedule an initial consultation, or use the contact form to take the first step toward improvement and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Online Therapy Services in Nevada, Oregon, Arizona & 33+ States.

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